FFA District | FFA Chapter Name | Legal Name District | School/Campus Name | Teacher First Name | Teacher Last Name | Admin E-mail | Last Modified |
| Chenango Forks FFA | Chenango Forks Central School District | Chenango Forks High School | Nichole | Hantsch | HantschN@cforks.org | 10/20/2023 4:53:07 PM |
1 | Jericho FFA | Jericho Union Free School District | Jericho High School | Samantha | Sforza | ssforza@jerichoschools.org | 9/8/2023 4:24:55 PM |
1 | Jericho FFA | Jericho Union Free School District | Jericho High School | Michael | Goldin | mgoldin@jerichoschools.org | 9/8/2023 4:26:42 PM |
1 | Renaissance Charter FFA | The Renaissance Charter School | Renaissance Charter School | Riaad | Etheridge | riaadetheridge@rencharter.org | 3/14/2022 3:44:14 PM |
1 | NY Harbor FFA | New York City Geographic District #2 | New York Harbor School | Rebecca | Resner | rresner@newyorkharborschool.org | 10/18/2024 5:15:40 PM |
1 | NY Harbor FFA | New York City Geographic District #2 | New York Harbor School | Robert | Markuske | rmarkuske@newyorkharborschool.org | 9/1/2022 12:16:14 PM |
1 | HSES FFA | New York City Geographic District #2 | High School for Environmental Studies | Andrew | Margon | amargon@schools.nyc.gov | 10/18/2024 6:17:58 AM |
1 | HSES FFA | New York City Geographic District #2 | High School for Environmental Studies | Adolph | Franzoi | afranzo@schools.nyc.gov | 10/15/2024 6:06:54 AM |
1 | HSES FFA | New York City Geographic District #2 | High School for Environmental Studies | Alejandro | Marx | AMarx@schools.nyc.gov | 12/16/2024 6:16:52 AM |
1 | IAM-HS | New York City Geographic District #18 | High School for Innovation in Advertising And Media | Mary Grace | Owusu | mowusu@iam-hs.org | 2/24/2025 9:01:20 PM |
1 | HART FFA | New York City Geographic District #29 | Health, Arts, Robotics and Technology High School | Cali | Koullias | CKoullias@schools.nyc.gov | 10/18/2024 1:57:40 PM |
1 | HART FFA | New York City Geographic District #29 | Health, Arts, Robotics and Technology High School | Leah | Jemison | Ljemison3@schools.nyc.gov | 8/14/2024 10:17:21 AM |
1 | | New York City Geographic District #29 | George Washington Carver High School for the Sciences | Tiffany | Santiago | tsantiago18@schools.nyc.gov | 2/3/2020 3:06:04 PM |
1 | John Bowne FFA | New York City Geographic District #25 | John Bowne High School | Lynda | Weinstein | lweinstein4@schools.nyc.gov | 12/31/2018 10:26:34 AM |
1 | John Bowne FFA | New York City Geographic District #25 | John Bowne High School | Chloe | Fuentes | cfuentes6@schools.nyc.gov | 2/3/2020 2:40:07 PM |
1 | John Bowne FFA | New York City Geographic District #25 | John Bowne High School | Patrycja | Zbrzezny | pzbrzezny@schools.nyc.gov | 2/3/2020 2:41:10 PM |
1 | John Bowne FFA | New York City Geographic District #25 | John Bowne High School | Tamara | Stanford | tstanfo@schools.nyc.gov | 2/5/2020 3:10:32 PM |
1 | John Bowne FFA | New York City Geographic District #25 | John Bowne High School | Jane | Zhu | jzhu6@schools.nyc.gov | 2/5/2020 3:10:37 PM |
1 | John Bowne FFA | New York City Geographic District #25 | John Bowne High School | Tatiana | Eder | teder5@schools.nyc.gov | 9/23/2021 9:23:44 AM |
1 | John Bowne FFA | New York City Geographic District #25 | John Bowne High School | Kyle | Petznick | kpetznick@schools.nyc.gov | 2/5/2020 3:10:30 PM |
1 | John Bowne FFA | New York City Geographic District #25 | John Bowne High School | Brendan | McDermott | BMcdermott2@schools.nyc.gov | 10/18/2024 1:58:14 PM |
1 | John Bowne FFA | New York City Geographic District #25 | John Bowne High School | Ambar | Robalino | arobalino@schools.nyc.gov | 10/3/2023 3:20:51 PM |
1 | JM Rapport 754x FFA | NYC Special Schools-District 75 | JM Rapport School for Career Development | Michael | Masefield | MMasefield@schools.nyc.gov | 2/13/2025 7:55:39 PM |
1 | Murrow FFA | New York City Geographic District #21 | Edward R Murrow High School | Jesse | John | JJohn15@schools.nyc.gov | 2/9/2025 9:39:08 PM |
1 | Murrow FFA | New York City Geographic District #21 | Edward R Murrow High School | Ramsha | Farooq | RFarooq@schools.nyc.gov | 10/15/2024 6:06:27 AM |
1 | Murrow FFA | New York City Geographic District #21 | Edward R Murrow High School | Fatma | Bazahy | fbazahy@schools.nyc.gov | 10/14/2024 4:24:16 PM |
1 | RCHS FFA | New York City Geographic District #21 | Rachel Carson High School for Coastal Studies | Hannah | O'Leary | Holeary@rachelcarsonhs.org | 12/12/2024 6:50:54 AM |
1 | James Madison FFA | New York City Geographic District #22 | James Madison High School | Alexander | Kerber | akerber2@schools.nyc.gov | 9/30/2022 11:45:58 AM |
1 | James Madison FFA | New York City Geographic District #22 | James Madison High School | Jeanne | Quarto | jquarto@schools.nyc.gov | 3/15/2022 4:32:48 PM |
1 | James Madison FFA | New York City Geographic District #22 | James Madison High School | Christina | Pugliese | CPugliese2@schools.nyc.gov | 3/15/2022 4:39:01 PM |
1 | Mattituck-Cutchogue FFA | Mattituck-Cutchogue Union Free School District | Mattituck Jr/Sr High School | Eric | Frend | efrend@mufsd.com | 7/14/2021 3:23:16 PM |
1 | Bridgehampton FFA | Bridgehampton Union Free School District | Bridgehampton School | Alexandra | Desouza | adesouza@bridgehamptonschool.com | 10/14/2024 4:29:10 PM |
1 | Shoreham-Wading River FFA | Shoreham-Wading River Central School | Shoreham-wading River High School | Kevin | Nohejl | knohejl@swr.k12.ny.us | 12/11/2019 5:13:27 AM |
1 | Shoreham-Wading River FFA | Shoreham-Wading River Central School | Shoreham-wading River High School | Sherry | Neff | sneff@swr.k12.ny.us | 1/26/2025 8:31:40 PM |
1 | Nassau BOCES Tech FFA | Nassau BOCES | Joseph M. Barry CTE Center | Fran | Horn | fhorn@mail.nasboces.org | 12/31/2018 10:30:41 AM |
1 | Nassau BOCES Tech FFA | Nassau BOCES | Joseph M. Barry CTE Center | Rachel | Kinsella | rkinsell@mail.nasboces.org | 4/27/2020 1:43:36 PM |
1 | Nassau BOCES Tech FFA | Nassau BOCES | Joseph M. Barry CTE Center | Melissa | Salvati | msalvati@mail.nasboces.org | 4/27/2020 1:43:37 PM |
1 | Wilson Tech Huntington FFA | Western Suffolk BOCES | Huntington Campus | Kathy | Keymel | kkeymel@wsboces.org | 3/16/2022 8:49:34 AM |
1 | Wilson Tech Huntington FFA | Western Suffolk BOCES | Western Suffolk BOCES- Huntington Campus | Kathy | Keymel | kkeymel@wsboces.org | 3/16/2022 8:49:34 AM |
1 | Western Suffolk BOCES FFA | Western Suffolk BOCES | Western Suffolk BOCES- Dix Hills Campus | Angela | Branche | abranche@wsboces.org | 3/16/2022 8:53:17 AM |
2 | Ulster County BOCES FFA | Ulster BOCES | Ulster BOCES Career & Technical Center | Lisa | Baker | ebaker@ulsterboces.org | 10/14/2024 4:23:43 PM |
2 | Orange-Ulster BOCES FFA | Orange-Ulster BOCES | Goshen (Amy Bull Crist) Campus | Elisa | Wood | elisa.wood@ouboces.org | 9/19/2024 9:23:46 PM |
2 | Orange-Ulster BOCES FFA | Orange-Ulster BOCES | Goshen (Amy Bull Crist) Campus | Jeffrey | Reichle | jeffrey.reichle@ouboces.org | 12/31/2018 10:38:37 AM |
2 | Orange-Ulster BOCES FFA | Orange-Ulster BOCES | Goshen (Amy Bull Crist) Campus | Logan | Roebuck | logan.roebuck@ouboces.org | 12/31/2018 10:38:38 AM |
2 | Orange-Ulster BOCES FFA | Orange-Ulster BOCES | Goshen (Amy Bull Crist) Campus | Jennifer | Woodhouse | Jennifer.Woodhouse@ouboces.org | 10/18/2024 6:54:24 AM |
2 | Orange-Ulster BOCES FFA | Orange-Ulster BOCES | Goshen (Amy Bull Crist) Campus | Catherine | Roccabruna | catherine.roccabruna@ouboces.org | 10/18/2024 6:53:48 AM |
2 | Orange-Ulster BOCES FFA | Orange-Ulster BOCES | Goshen (Amy Bull Crist) Campus | Douglas | Myruski | douglas.myruski@ouboces.org | 10/18/2024 6:54:05 AM |
2 | Questar III FFA | Rensselaer-Columbia-Greene BOCES | Marilyn A. Noonan | Heidi | Woolever | heidi.woolever@questar.org | 7/17/2024 6:08:49 AM |
2 | Warwick Valley FFA | Warwick Valley Central School District | Warwick Valley High School | Brandi | Burk | bburk@wvcsd.org | 8/31/2024 6:32:21 AM |
2 | Warwick Valley FFA | Warwick Valley Central School District | Warwick Valley High School | Michelle | Ehlers | mehlers@wvcsd.org | 4/1/2019 1:36:30 PM |
2 | Windham-Ashland-Jewett FFA | Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central School District | Windham Ashland Central School | Olivia | Drum | odrum@wajcs.org | 10/14/2024 6:46:03 PM |
2 | Dutchess BOCES FFA | Dutchess BOCES | Dutchess BOCES-Main Campus | Rebecca | Cossa | rebecca.cossa@dcboces.org | 3/27/2019 6:23:04 AM |
2 | Schoharie Valley FFA | Schoharie Central School District | Schoharie High School | Madison | Dunbar | mdunbar@schoharieschools.org | 9/8/2023 2:02:51 PM |
2 | Sharon Springs FFA | Sharon Springs Central School District | Sharon Springs Central School | Rachel | Ferreira | rferreira@sharonsprings.org | 2/9/2025 9:37:30 PM |
2 | Sharon Springs FFA | Sharon Springs Central School District | Sharon Springs Central School | Anne | Allen | aallen@sharonsprings.org | 12/31/2018 10:29:05 AM |
2 | Taconic Hills FFA | Taconic Hills Central School District | Taconic Hills Jr/Sr High School | Sandra | Gardner | sgardner@taconichills.k12.ny.us | 7/14/2021 3:23:35 PM |
2 | Taconic Hills FFA | Taconic Hills Central School District | Taconic Hills Jr/Sr High School | Rachael | Somers | rsylvester@taconichills.k12.ny.us | 10/18/2024 6:33:20 AM |
2 | Taconic Hills FFA | Taconic Hills Central School District | Taconic Hills Jr/Sr High School | Krystal | Perrotti | kperrotti@taconichills.k12.ny.us | 10/18/2024 6:30:30 AM |
2 | Tri-Valley FFA | Tri-Valley Central School District | Tri-Valley Secondary School | Tara | Berescik Burke | taraberescik@trivalleycsd.org | 2/9/2025 9:23:16 PM |
2 | Tri-Valley FFA | Tri-Valley Central School District | Tri-Valley Secondary School | Ashley | Wightman | ashleywightman@trivalleycsd.org | 9/15/2022 1:42:50 PM |
2 | John Jay FFA | Wappingers Central School District | John Jay Senior High School | Mary Jane | McFarland | maryjane.mcfarland@wcsdny.org | 7/14/2021 3:31:40 PM |
2 | John Jay FFA | Wappingers Central School District | John Jay Senior High School | Emily | Sztaberek | emily.sztaberek@wcsdny.org | 9/23/2021 11:30:36 AM |
2 | Pine Plains FFA | Pine Plains Central School District | Stissing Mountain High School | Stephanie | Rhoades | s.rhoades@ppcsd.org | 12/28/2018 3:48:37 PM |
2 | Red Hook FFA | Red Hook Central School District | Red Hook High School | Steve | Hutman | shutman@rhcsd.org | 9/7/2022 2:53:23 PM |
2 | Red Hook FFA | Red Hook Central School District | Red Hook High School | Christie | Hegarty | chegarty@rhcsd.org | 1/13/2023 4:57:14 PM |
2 | Rondout Valley FFA | Rondout Valley Central School District | Rondout Valley High School | Mackenzie | Lawrence | mlawrence@rondout.k12.ny.us | 10/19/2024 9:35:32 PM |
2 | Berne Knox Westerlo FFA | Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District | Berne-Knox-Westerlo Junior-Senior High School | Michaela | Kehrer | michaela.kehrer@bkwschools.org | 3/15/2022 4:44:49 PM |
2 | Berne Knox Westerlo FFA | Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District | Berne-Knox-Westerlo Junior-Senior High School | Michelle | Case | michelle.case@bkwschools.org | 2/10/2025 8:34:17 PM |
2 | Sullivan West FFA | Sullivan West Central School District | Sullivan West High School at Lake Huntington | Padraic | McCarthy | mccarthypad@swcsd.org | 4/23/2020 2:24:19 PM |
2 | Mount Academy FFA | The Mount Academy | The Mount Academy | David | Mercer | davidmercer@mountacademy.org | 10/18/2024 6:26:25 AM |
2 | Mount Academy FFA | The Mount Academy | The Mount Academy | Steve | Robertshaw | steverobertshaw@mountacademy.org | 2/13/2025 8:24:50 PM |
2 | Cobleskill-Richmondville FFA | Cobleskill-Richmondville Central School District | Cobleskill-Richmondville High School | Kathlyn | McCarthy | mccarthyk@crcsd.org | 2/9/2025 8:54:29 PM |
2 | Cobleskill-Richmondville FFA | Cobleskill-Richmondville Central School District | William H. Golding Middle School | Michele | Strobeck | strobeckm@crcsd.org | 2/9/2025 8:53:07 PM |
2 | Cobleskill-Richmondville FFA | Cobleskill-Richmondville Central School District | Cobleskill-Richmondville High School | Justin | Ferreira | ferreiraj@crcsd.org | 8/14/2024 10:02:05 AM |
2 | Livingston Manor FFA | Livingston Manor Central School | Livingston Manor High School | Jessica | Freidenstine | jessica.freidenstine@lmcs.us | 1/13/2023 4:57:43 PM |
2 | Middleburgh FFA | Middleburgh Central School District | Middleburgh Jr/Sr High School | Carmen | Fagnani | carmen.fagnani@middleburghcsd.org | 8/17/2020 3:27:18 PM |
2 | Greenville FFA | Greenville Central School District | Greenville High School | Lynn | Hughes | hughescl@greenvillecsd.org | 1/2/2019 6:04:19 AM |
2 | Greenville FFA | Greenville Central School District | Greenville High School | Rachel | Roberts-Hall | hallr@greenvillecsd.org | 9/22/2021 12:11:10 PM |
2 | Hoosick Falls FFA | Hoosick Falls Central School District | Hoosick Falls Junior Senior High School | Kaylah | Gulley | gulleyk@hoosickfallscsd.org | 1/3/2023 12:54:44 PM |
2 | Hoosick Falls FFA | Hoosick Falls Central School District | Hoosick Falls Junior Senior High School | Kim | Davidson | davidsonk@hoosickfallscsd.org | 10/18/2024 2:10:40 PM |
2 | Coxsackie Athens FFA | Coxsackie-Athens Central School District | Coxsackie-Athens High School | Danielle | Misuraca | misuracad@cacsd.org | 9/18/2024 12:53:21 PM |
3 | Chateaugay FFA | Chateaugay Central School District | Chateaugay High School | Diane | Harrigan | d.harrigan@chateaugaycsd.org | 2/4/2025 1:44:30 PM |
3 | Chateaugay FFA | Chateaugay Central School District | Chateaugay High School | Diane | Ashline | d.ashline@chateaugaycsd.org | 2/9/2025 9:45:07 PM |
3 | Cambridge Central FFA | Cambridge Central School District | Cambridge Junior Senior High School | Brooklin | Rea | Brooklin.drake@cambridgecsd.org | 2/10/2025 9:01:10 PM |
3 | Galway FFA | Galway Central School District | Galway Jr/Sr High School | Lee | Levine | llevine@galwaycsd.org | 9/7/2022 4:36:57 PM |
3 | Granville FFA | Granville Central School District | Granville Junior-Senior High School | Debora | Cahan | dcahan@granvillecsd.org | 9/13/2019 10:29:44 AM |
3 | Granville FFA | Granville Central School District | Granville Junior-Senior High School | Karen | Nephew | knephew@granvillecsd.org | 10/19/2024 9:33:11 PM |
3 | Hudson Falls FFA | Hudson Falls Central School District | Hudson Falls High School | Maggie | Hogan | mhogan@hfcsd.org | 9/1/2022 12:25:58 PM |
3 | Hartford FFA | Hartford Central School District | Hartford Middle/High School | Tricia | Stewart | tstewart@hartfordcsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:30:04 AM |
3 | Greenwich FFA | Greenwich Central School District | Greenwich Junior-Senior High School | Lily | Berghorn | lberghorn@greenwichcsd.org | 9/7/2022 3:29:07 PM |
3 | Greenwich FFA | Greenwich Central School District | Greenwich Junior-Senior High School | Christopher | Kelly | ckelly@greenwichcsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:37:31 AM |
3 | Argyle FFA | Argyle Central School District | Argyle Junior/Senior High School | Kimberly | Michel | michel_k@argylecsd.org | 7/14/2021 3:26:53 PM |
3 | Beekmantown FFA | Beekmantown Central School District | Beekmantown High School | Nellie | Whelden | whelden.nellie@bcsdk12.org | 10/20/2023 4:46:21 PM |
3 | Brushton-Moira FFA | Brushton-Moira Central School | Brushton-Moira High School | John | St. Mary | jstmary@bmcsd.org | 12/28/2018 3:50:48 PM |
3 | Brushton-Moira FFA | Brushton-Moira Central School | Brushton-Moira High School | Joshua | Barney | jbarney@bmcsd.org | 4/27/2020 1:41:29 PM |
3 | Northern Adirondack FFA | Northern Adirondack Central School District | Northern Adirondack Middle/High School | Elizabeth | Couillard | ecouillard@nacs1.org | 10/14/2024 4:27:35 PM |
3 | Schuylerville FFA | Schuylerville Central School District | Schuylerville Jr/Sr High School | Mary-Elizabeth | Foote | footem@schuylerville.org | 9/4/2019 8:46:44 PM |
3 | Schuylerville FFA | Schuylerville Central School District | Schuylerville Jr/Sr High School | Carlyn | Miller | millerc@schuylerville.org | 8/17/2020 3:12:17 PM |
3 | Salem FFA | Salem Central School District | Salem High School | Amy | Maxwell | amaxwell@salemcsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:29:24 AM |
3 | Salmon River FFA | Salmon River Central School District | Salmon River High School | Huong | Hoag | hhoag@srk12.org | 7/14/2021 3:24:57 PM |
3 | Salmon River FFA | Salmon River Central School District | Salmon River High School | Michelle | Oakes | moakes@srk12.org | 2/21/2023 11:17:57 AM |
3 | CV-TEC FFA | Clinton-Essex-Warren-Washington BOCES | Clinton-Essex-Warren- Washington BOCES- Prattsburgh Campus | Anika | Craig | craig_anika@cves.org | 9/1/2022 10:46:21 AM |
3 | CV-TEC FFA | Clinton-Essex-Warren-Washington BOCES | Clinton-Essex-Warren- Washington BOCES- Prattsburgh Campus | Eric | Jock | jock_eric@cves.org | 2/13/2025 8:12:49 PM |
3 | Southern Adirondack FFA | Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES | Southern Adirondack Education Center | Tom | Bromley | tbromley@wswheboces.org | 10/3/2023 4:55:37 PM |
3 | F. Donald Myers FFA | Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES | F. Donald Myers Education Center | Dennis | Flynn | dflynn@wswheboces.org | 12/31/2018 10:29:20 AM |
3 | F. Donald Myers FFA | Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES | F. Donald Myers Education Center | Gregory | Hammond | ghammond@wswheboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:02:25 AM |
3 | F. Donald Myers FFA | Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES | F. Donald Myers Education Center | Paul | Zabielski | pzabielski@wswheboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:02:26 AM |
3 | F. Donald Myers FFA | Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES | F. Donald Myers Education Center | Douglas | Fleischut | dfleischut@wswheboces.org | 7/14/2021 3:26:25 PM |
3 | F. Donald Myers FFA | Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES | F. Donald Myers Education Center | Carter | Stevens | cstevens@wswheboces.org | 10/18/2024 6:57:22 AM |
4 | DCMO BOCES FFA | Delaware-Chenango-Madison-Otsego BOCES | DCMO BOCES-Robert W. Harrold Campus | Emily | Anderson | emily.anderson@dcmoboces.com | 12/12/2024 6:46:32 AM |
4 | DCMO BOCES FFA | Delaware-Chenango-Madison-Otsego BOCES | DCMO BOCES-Robert W. Harrold Campus | Zach | Whittaker | whittakz@dcmoboces.com | 12/28/2018 3:40:45 PM |
4 | Chenango Tech Center FFA | Delaware-Chenango-Madison-Otsego BOCES | DCMO BOCES- Chenango Campus | Tim | Crumb | crumbt@dcmoboces.com | 12/31/2018 10:31:38 AM |
4 | | Otsego-Delaware-Schoharie-Greene BOCES | Northern Catskills Occupational Center | Craig | Tucker | ctucker@oncboces.org | 12/31/2018 10:41:24 AM |
4 | Otsego FFA | Otsego-Delaware-Schoharie-Greene BOCES | Otsego Area Occupational Center | Edward | Bordinger | E-MAIL BOUNCED BACK | 9/13/2019 6:42:29 AM |
4 | Otsego FFA | Otsego-Delaware-Schoharie-Greene BOCES | Otsego Area Occupational Center | Larry | Miller | lmiller@mail.oncboces.org | 12/28/2018 3:49:46 PM |
4 | Sherburne-Earlville FFA | Sherburne-Earlville Central School District | Sherburne-Earlville Senior High School | Nicole | Cunningham | cunninghamn@seonline.org | 10/14/2024 4:28:17 PM |
4 | Sherburne-Earlville FFA | Sherburne-Earlville Central School District | Sherburne-Earlville Senior High School | Scott | Bugbee | bugbees@seonline.org | 12/31/2018 10:29:01 AM |
4 | Sidney FFA | Sidney Central School District | Sidney Jr/ Sr High School | Lesley | Arsenault | larsenault@sidneycsd.org | 10/19/2024 9:36:43 PM |
4 | Sidney FFA | Sidney Central School District | Sidney Jr/ Sr High School | Jay | Waltz | Jwaltz@sidneycsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:28:05 AM |
4 | Walton FFA | Walton Central School District | Walton High School | Kylee | Wiggans | kwiggans@waltoncsd.org | 10/18/2024 6:51:56 AM |
4 | Norwich | Norwich City School District | Norwich High School | Jessie | Howe | jhowe@norwichcsd.org | 7/15/2024 6:35:59 AM |
4 | Norwich | Norwich City School District | Norwich High School | Kimberly | Doyle | KDoyle@norwichcsd.org | 10/14/2024 4:29:45 PM |
4 | Otselic Valley FFA | Otselic Valley Central School District | Otselic Valley Central School | Andrea | Lehmann | alehmann@ovcs.org | 9/8/2023 12:45:29 PM |
4 | Oxford FFA | Oxford Academy and Central School District | Oxford Academy High School | Renee | Johnson | rjohnson@oxac.org | 12/31/2018 10:30:25 AM |
4 | Richfield Springs | Richfield Springs Central School District | Richfield Springs Jr/Sr High School | Shaundra | Davis | sdavis@richfieldcsd.org | 10/19/2024 9:34:02 PM |
4 | Richfield Springs | Richfield Springs Central School District | Richfield Springs Jr/Sr High School | Roger | Barkman | rbarkman@richfieldcsd.org | 4/9/2020 7:35:58 AM |
4 | Bainbridge-Guilford FFA | Bainbridge-Guilford Central School District | Bainbridge-Guilford High School | Nicole | Anderson | nanderson@bgcsd.org | 10/18/2024 6:42:03 AM |
4 | Windsor FFA | Windsor Central School District | Windsor Central High School | Tina | Miner-James | TJames@windsor-csd.org | 9/23/2021 4:10:02 PM |
4 | Windsor FFA | Windsor Central School District | Windsor Central High School | Jessica | Swingle | jswingle@windsor-csd.org | 10/18/2024 6:44:47 AM |
4 | Windsor FFA | Windsor Central School District | Windsor Central High School | Mikala | Anderson | manderson@windsor-csd.org | 7/15/2024 6:38:49 AM |
4 | Afton FFA | Afton Central School District | Afton Junior/Senior High School | Cathleen | Reeder | creeder@aftoncsd.org | 9/7/2022 2:55:39 PM |
4 | Unadilla Valley FFA | Unadilla Valley Central School District | Unadilla Valley Secondary School | Hannah | Bramer | hbramer@uvstorm.org | 10/18/2024 1:56:50 PM |
4 | Unadilla Valley FFA | Unadilla Valley Central School District | Unadilla Valley Secondary School | Jessica | DeVries | jdevries@uvstorm.org | 9/28/2021 1:02:50 PM |
4 | Cherry Valley -Springfield FFA | Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School | Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School | Megan | Richards | mrichards@cvscsd.org | 9/8/2023 2:01:49 PM |
4 | Franklin FFA | Franklin Central School District | Franklin Central School | Vanessa | Merrill-Wickham | vmerrill-wickham@franklincsd.org | 4/8/2024 8:52:49 PM |
4 | Delaware Academy FFA | Delaware Academy Central School District at Delhi | Delaware Academy High School | Michelle | Somers | msomers@delhischools.org | |
4 | Downsville FFA | Downsville Central School | Downsville Central School | Dan | Green | dgreen@dcseagles.org | 4/8/2024 8:56:28 PM |
5 | Fonda-Fultonville FFA | Fonda-Fultonville Central School District | Fonda-Fultonville Senior High School | Brooke | Morgan | bmorgan@ffcsd.org | 2/9/2025 9:32:38 PM |
5 | Fonda-Fultonville FFA | Fonda-Fultonville Central School District | Fonda-Fultonville Senior High School | Ashley | Gifford | agifford@ffcsd.org | 3/3/2025 8:38:52 PM |
5 | Camden FFA | Camden Central School District | Camden Senior High School | Brianne | Wilson | bwillson@camdencsd.org | 1/29/2024 12:44:26 PM |
5 | Camden FFA | Camden Central School District | Camden Senior High School | Karly | Marshman | KMarshman@camdencsd.org | 4/8/2024 9:08:01 PM |
5 | Camden FFA | Camden Central School District | Camden Senior High School | Erin | Curtis | ecurtisszalach@camdencsd.org | 10/18/2024 2:01:30 PM |
5 | Canastota FFA | Canastota Central School | Canastota High School | Paula | Burnor | pburnor@canastotacsd.org | 9/29/2024 9:03:40 PM |
5 | Cazenovia Aggies FFA | Cazenovia Central School District | Cazenovia High School | Mandi | Millen | mmillen@caz.cnyric.org | 10/3/2023 4:57:18 PM |
5 | DeRuyter FFA | DeRuyter Central School District | Deruyter High School | Taylor | Currie | currie@deruytercentral.org | 5/22/2024 7:33:23 PM |
5 | Hamilton FFA | Hamilton Central School District | Hamilton Jr/Sr High School | Monica | Chamberlain | mchamberlain@hamiltoncentral.org | 1/17/2024 9:27:43 AM |
5 | Hamilton FFA | Hamilton Central School District | Hamilton Jr/Sr High School | Johanna | Fox Bossard | jbossard@hamiltoncentral.org | 12/31/2018 10:32:27 AM |
5 | Herkimer FFA | Herkimer Central School District | Herkimer High School | Talia | Baker | tbaker@herkimercsd.org | 4/8/2020 8:54:41 AM |
5 | Holland Patent FFA | Holland Patent Central School District | Holland Patent Central High School | Megan | Lamb | mlamb@hpschools.org | 1/17/2024 9:30:19 AM |
5 | Holland Patent FFA | Holland Patent Central School District | Holland Patent Middle School | Makenna | Seitz | mseitz@hpschools.org | 8/31/2024 6:30:13 AM |
5 | Mayfield FFA | Mayfield Central School District | Mayfield Jr/Sr High School | Brandon | Trinkle | Trinkle.brandon@mayfieldcsd.org | 10/18/2024 6:47:51 AM |
5 | Madison FFA | Madison Central School District | Madison Central School | Phillip | Keville | pkeville@madisoncentralny.org | 11/1/2022 4:38:28 PM |
5 | Madison FFA | Madison Central School District | Madison Central School | Matt | Bruno | mbruno@madisoncentralny.org | 1/23/2019 10:00:04 AM |
5 | Mohawk Valley FFA | Oppenheim-Ephratah-St. Johnsville Central School District | Oppenheim-Ephratah-St. Johnsville Junior/Senior High School | Julia | Hudyncia | julia.hudyncia@oesj.org | 9/17/2019 6:44:19 AM |
5 | Adirondack FFA | Adirondack Central School | Adirondack High School | Heather | Sweeney | hsweeney@adirondackcsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:41:44 AM |
5 | | Brookfield Central School District | Brookfield Central School | Kallie | Rollins | krollins@brookfieldcsd.org | 2/13/2025 8:04:06 PM |
5 | Remsen FFA | Remsen Central School District | Remsen Junior-Senior High School | Rayne | Ives | rives@remsencsd.org | 1/16/2019 9:47:19 AM |
5 | Owen D. Young FFA | Van Hornesville-Owen D Young Central School District | Owen D Young Central School | Mckensey | Periard | mperiard@odycsd.org | 8/27/2024 8:44:31 PM |
5 | Morrisville-Eaton FFA | Morrisville-Eaton Central School District | Morrisville Middle/High School | Rebecca | Werbela | rwerbela@m-ecs.org | 12/11/2019 5:51:22 AM |
5 | Town of Webb | Town of Webb Union Free School District | Town of Webb School | Jennifer | Savage | jsavage@towschool.org | 5/22/2024 7:50:17 PM |
5 | Vernon-Verona-Sherrill FFA | Sherrill City School District | Vernon-Verona-Sherrill Senior High School | Paige | Warren | pwarren@vvsschools.org | 2/10/2025 9:10:45 PM |
5 | Vernon-Verona-Sherrill FFA | Sherrill City School District | Vernon-Verona-Sherrill Senior High School | Molly | Adams | madams@vvsschools.org | 2/10/2025 9:14:54 PM |
5 | Stockbridge Valley FFA | Stockbridge Valley Central School District | Stockbridge Valley Central School | Jarrett | Burke | jburke@stockbridgevalley.org | 9/8/2023 3:08:49 PM |
5 | Stockbridge Valley FFA | Stockbridge Valley Central School District | Stockbridge Valley Central School | Erin | Smith | esmith@stockbridgevalley.org | 9/13/2019 6:44:16 AM |
5 | HFM Ag. PTech FFA | Hamilton-Fulton-5Montgomery BOCES | HFM BOCES- HFM Career & Technical Education | Meredith | Tuppen | mtuppen@hfmboces.org | 2/27/2025 8:59:35 PM |
5 | HFM Ag. PTech FFA | Hamilton-Fulton-5Montgomery BOCES | HFM BOCES- HFM Career & Technical Education | Kasey | Mang | kmang@hfmboces.org | 2/3/2025 9:26:22 PM |
5 | HFM Ag. PTech FFA | Hamilton-Fulton-5Montgomery BOCES | HFM BOCES- HFM Career & Technical Education | Victoria | Subik | vsubik@hfmboces.org | 2/3/2025 9:27:27 PM |
5 | Waterville FFA | Waterville Central School District | Waterville Junior/Senior High School | Sue | Baker | sbakerdewey@watervillecsd.org | 1/17/2024 9:31:37 AM |
5 | Waterville FFA | Waterville Central School District | Waterville Junior/Senior High School | Cynthia | Gallagher | cgallagher@watervillecsd.org | 12/28/2018 3:41:06 PM |
5 | West Canada Valley | West Canada Central School District | West Canada Valley Jr/Sr High School | Kiley | Treen | ktreen@westcanada.org | 12/11/2019 5:14:00 AM |
5 | West Canada Valley | West Canada Central School District | West Canada Valley Jr/Sr High School | Jason | Crawford | jcrawford@westcanada.org | 11/21/2023 3:37:53 PM |
5 | Mount Markham FFA | Mount Markham Central School District | Mount Markham High School | Eric | Bugbee | ebugbee@mmcsd.org | 10/9/2020 1:24:38 PM |
5 | Mount Markham FFA | Mount Markham Central School District | Mount Markham Middle School | Katie | Lindsey | klindsey@mmcsd.org | 1/5/2023 8:44:25 AM |
5 | Mount Markham FFA | Mount Markham Central School District | Mount Markham High School | Hannah | Raymond | hraymond@mmcsd.org | 1/5/2023 8:43:34 AM |
5 | Mount Markham FFA | Mount Markham Central School District | Mount Markham High School | Angela | Martin | amartin@mmcsd.org | 10/4/2024 12:50:30 PM |
5 | | Madison-Oneida BOCES | Rosetti Educational Center | Donald | Van Slyke | dvanslyke@moboces.org | 10/12/2024 9:30:09 PM |
5 | | Madison-Oneida BOCES | Rosetti Educational Center | Stephenie | Vasquez | smontanaro@moboces.org | 2/3/2025 9:23:19 PM |
5 | | Madison-Oneida BOCES | Rosetti Educational Center | Katelyn | Ragozzino Nash | kragozzinonash@moboces.org | 2/3/2025 9:22:35 PM |
5 | Oneida County BOCES FFA | Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES | OHM BOCES Main Campus | Joanne | Daley | jdaley@oneida-boces.org | 12/31/2018 10:40:23 AM |
5 | Oneida County BOCES FFA | Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES | OHM BOCES Main Campus | Douglas | Pilbeam | dpilbeam@oneida-boces.org | 10/2/2018 6:01:36 AM |
5 | Oneida County BOCES FFA | Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES | OHM BOCES Main Campus | Philip | Lacelle | placelle@oneida-boces.org | 12/31/2018 10:40:21 AM |
5 | Oneida County BOCES FFA | Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES | OHM BOCES Main Campus | Sara | Ouellette | souellette@oneida-boces.org | 11/30/2020 12:06:13 PM |
6 | Northwest Tech FFA | Saint Lawrence-Lewis BOCES | Northwest Tech Center | Jonathan | Hughes | jhughes@sllboces.org | 12/28/2018 3:47:05 PM |
6 | | Saint Lawrence-Lewis BOCES | Seaway Career & Technical Education Center | Nanci | Collins | ncollins@sllboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:02:03 AM |
6 | | Saint Lawrence-Lewis BOCES | Southwest Career & Technical Education Center | Jared | Prashaw | jared.prashaw@sllboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:02:03 AM |
6 | Northwest Tech FFA | Saint Lawrence-Lewis BOCES | Northwest Tech Center | Eugene | Mullaney | emullaney@sllboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:03:40 AM |
6 | | Saint Lawrence-Lewis BOCES | Seaway Career & Technical Education Center | John | Morgan | jmorgan@sllboces.org | 4/27/2020 1:46:28 PM |
6 | SLL Ag Academy FFA | Saint Lawrence-Lewis BOCES | SLL BOCES | Maureen Ann | Ring | maureen.ring@sllboces.org | 11/21/2023 3:23:58 PM |
6 | SLL Ag Academy FFA | Saint Lawrence-Lewis BOCES | SLL BOCES | Phil | Palleschi | ppalleschi@sllboces.org | 10/3/2023 4:08:35 PM |
6 | Watertown FFA | Watertown City School District | Watertown Senior High School | Alissa | Donnell | adonnell@watertowncsd.org | 9/20/2022 9:38:42 AM |
6 | South Lewis FFA | South Lewis Central School District | South Lewis High School | Rachel | Howard | rhoward@southlewis.org | 12/14/2020 10:17:45 AM |
6 | Potsdam FFA | Potsdam Central School District | Potsdam Senior High School | Kim | Hill | Khill@potsdam.k12.ny.us | 9/23/2021 2:41:09 PM |
6 | Beaver River FFA | Beaver River Central School District | Beaver River Senior High School | Morgan | Sweeney | msweeney@brcsd.org | 2/10/2025 8:57:56 PM |
6 | Beaver River FFA | Beaver River Central School District | Beaver River Senior High School | Tara | Taylor | ttaylor@brcsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:41:54 AM |
6 | Belleville Henderson FFA | Belleville-Henderson Central School District | Belleville Henderson Central School | Tedra | Bean | tbean@bhpanthers.org | 11/10/2022 4:58:01 PM |
6 | Alexandria Bay FFA | Alexandria Central School District | Alexandria Central High School | Madison | Cullen | mcullen@acsghosts.org | 10/18/2024 1:59:27 PM |
6 | Alexandria Bay FFA | Alexandria Central School District | Alexandria Central High School | Matthew | Greene | mgreene@acsghosts.org | 12/31/2018 10:25:47 AM |
6 | South Jefferson FFA | South Jefferson Central School District | South Jefferson High School | Melissa | Fregoe-Cronk | mfregoecronk@spartanpride.org | 11/10/2022 4:58:30 PM |
6 | Edwards-Knox FFA | Edwards-Knox Central School District | Edwards-Knox Jr/Sr High School | Christian | Jenne | cjenne@ekcsk12.org | 2/24/2025 9:08:43 PM |
6 | Lowville FFA | Lowville Academy & Central School District | Lowville High School | Blake | Place | bplace@lowvilleacademy.org | 6/29/2021 11:37:04 AM |
6 | Lowville FFA | Lowville Academy & Central School District | Lowville High School | Amy | Beyer | abeyer@lowvilleacademy.org | 8/31/2020 4:03:01 PM |
6 | Lowville FFA | Lowville Academy & Central School District | Lowville High School | Melvin | Phelps | mphelps@lowvilleacademy.org | 12/31/2018 10:31:29 AM |
6 | LaFargeville FFA | La Fargeville Central School District | La Fargeville Central School | Natalie | Porter | nporter@lafargevillecsd.org | 10/18/2024 6:31:04 AM |
6 | LaFargeville FFA | La Fargeville Central School District | La Fargeville Central School | Jay | Shimel | jshimel@lafargevillecsd.org | 7/14/2021 3:29:25 PM |
6 | Indian River FFA | Indian River Central School District | Indian River High School | Nichole | Hirt | nicholehirt@ircsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:29:58 AM |
6 | Harrisville FFA | Harrisville Central School District | Harrisville Junior-Senior High School | Alexis | Ebersol | aebersol@hcsk12.org | 9/14/2022 11:19:45 AM |
6 | Gouverneur FFA | Gouverneur Central School District | Gouverneur Jr/Sr High School | Kylie | Torres | torres.kylie@gcsk12.org | 10/18/2024 6:47:27 AM |
6 | Canton FFA | Canton Central School District | Hugh C. Williams Senior High School | Carol | Wright | cwright@ccsdk12.org | 12/31/2018 10:41:28 AM |
6 | Carthage FFA | Carthage Central School District | Carthage Senior High School | Jennifer | Phelps | jphelps@carthagecsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:41:14 AM |
7 | Cincinnatus FFA | Cincinnatus High School | Cincinnatus High School | Mikayla | Gates | mgates@cc.cnyric.org | 9/7/2023 4:15:03 PM |
7 | Cato-Meridian FFA | Cato-Meridian Central School | Cato-Meridian Central School | Amber | Bornt | abornt@catomeridian.org | 8/31/2020 4:02:59 PM |
7 | Fabius-Pompey FFA | Fabius-Pompey Central School District | Fabius-Pompey Middle/High School | Lindsey | Ballard | lballard@fabiuspompey.org | 2/9/2025 9:28:04 PM |
7 | Groton FFA | Groton Central School District | Groton Junior/Senior High School | Chelsey | Mahany | cmahany@grotoncs.org | 10/5/2022 3:16:31 PM |
7 | Homer FFA | Homer Central School District | Homer Junior High School | Wendy | Patriarco | WPatriarco@homercentral.org | 10/18/2024 2:09:41 PM |
7 | Homer FFA | Homer Central School District | Homer Junior High School | Alison | Sharpe | aparrott@homercentral.org | 10/3/2023 4:46:40 PM |
7 | Homer FFA | Homer Central School District | Homer High School | Brooke | Head | BHead@homercentral.org | 12/31/2018 10:32:08 AM |
7 | Marathon FFA | Marathon Central School | Marathon High School | Crystal | Aukema | Aukemac@marathonschools.org | 7/14/2021 3:20:00 PM |
7 | Marcellus FFA | Marcellus Central School District | Marcellus High School | Joseph | Killian | jkillian@marcellusschools.org | 12/11/2019 5:51:11 AM |
7 | Marcellus FFA | Marcellus Central School District | Marcellus High School | Caitlin | Eaton | ceaton@marcellusschools.org | 4/28/2021 3:44:30 PM |
7 | Marcellus FFA | Marcellus Central School District | Marcellus High School | Jennifer | Stratton | jstratton@marcellusschools.org | 2/13/2025 8:07:51 PM |
7 | McGraw FFA | McGraw Central School District | McGraw Secondary School | Cheyenne | Nowalk | cnowalk2@mcgrawschools.org | 8/14/2024 11:22:41 AM |
7 | Moravia FFA | Moravia Central School District | Moravia Junior-Senior High School | KristiAnn | Frank | kfrank@moraviaschool.org | 9/7/2022 3:39:25 PM |
7 | OnTech FFA | OnTECH Charter High School | OnTECH Charter High School | Quinn | Mulherin | quinn.mulherin@ontechcharter.org | 10/18/2024 6:29:09 AM |
7 | OnTech FFA | OnTECH Charter High School | OnTECH Charter High School | Morgan | Boerman | morgan.boerman@ontechcharter.org | 4/7/2020 8:24:57 AM |
7 | Finger Lakes FFA | New York State Office of Children and Family Services | Finger Lakes Residential Center | David | Chaffee | david.chaffee@ocfs.ny.gov | 7/14/2021 3:23:46 PM |
7 | Port Byron FFA | Port Byron Central School District | Port Byron Senior High School | Alyssa | Roorda | aroorda@pbcschools.org | 1/7/2025 3:31:43 PM |
7 | Newark Valley FFA | Newark Valley Central School District | Newark Valley Senior High School | Gregory | Schweiger | gschweiger@nvcs.stier.org | 12/28/2018 3:41:11 PM |
7 | Onondaga Central FFA | Onondaga Central School | Onondaga Central High School | Victoria | DiPietro | vdipietro@onondagacsd.org | 10/3/2023 3:46:22 PM |
7 | Onondaga Central FFA | Onondaga Central School | Onondaga Central High School | Rosalind | Gawryla | rgawryla@ocs.cnyric.org | 12/13/2021 3:35:00 PM |
7 | Owego FFA | Owego-Apalachin Central School District | Owego Free Academy | Derek | Hill | hilld@oacsd.org | 9/7/2022 4:13:43 PM |
7 | Owego FFA | Owego-Apalachin Central School District | Owego Free Academy | Alexis | Davis | davisa@oacsd.org | 10/18/2024 2:27:01 PM |
7 | Owego FFA | Owego-Apalachin Central School District | Owego Free Academy | Susan | Armstrong | Armstrongs@oacsd.org | 10/18/2024 2:27:22 PM |
7 | Southern Cayuga FFA | Southern Cayuga Central School District | Southern Cayuga Jr/Sr High School | Halee | Wasson | wassonh@southerncayuga.org | 10/9/2020 1:37:23 PM |
7 | Southern Cayuga FFA | Southern Cayuga Central School District | Southern Cayuga Jr/Sr High School | Brett | Jillson | jillsonb@southerncayuga.org | 10/28/2024 11:29:59 AM |
7 | Spencer-Van Etten FFA | Spencer-Van Etten Central School District | Spencer-Van Etten High School | Megan | Friscia | mfriscia@svecsd.org | 3/15/2022 4:47:39 PM |
7 | Nottingham FFA | Syracuse City School District | Nottingham High School | Jaime | Rodriguez | JRodriguez5@scsd.us | 12/28/2018 3:40:32 PM |
7 | Tioga Central | Tioga Central School District | Tioga Senior High School | Jessica | Clark | jclark@tiogacentral.org | 2/9/2025 9:40:38 PM |
7 | Tioga Central | Tioga Central School District | Tioga Senior High School | Mason | Tate | mtate@tiogacentral.org | 9/15/2022 1:40:05 PM |
7 | Tully FFA | Tully Central School District | Tully Junior/Senior High School | Rachel | Bennett | rachel.bennett@k12.tullyschools.org | 4/9/2020 6:21:10 AM |
7 | Tully FFA | Tully Central School District | Tully Junior/Senior High School | Jade | Atherton | jade.atherton@k12.tullyschools.org | 10/14/2024 4:23:12 PM |
7 | Union Springs FFA | Union Springs Central School District | Union Springs High School | Alyssa | Roorda | aroorda@unionspringscsd.org | 1/7/2025 3:32:13 PM |
7 | Waverly FFA | Waverly Central School District | Waverly High School | Miranda | Palmer | MPALMER@wcsdletsgo.com | 4/8/2024 9:00:51 PM |
7 | Waverly FFA | Waverly Central School District | Waverly High School | Chandra | Stanley | CSTANLEY@wcsdletsgo.com | 9/8/2023 4:20:47 PM |
7 | Cayuga-Onondaga FFA | Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES | Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES Main Campus | Katie | LaFave | klafave@cayboces.org | 9/8/2023 3:31:08 PM |
7 | Cayuga-Onondaga FFA | Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES | Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES Main Campus | Sharon | Gulnac | sgulnac@cayboces.org | 10/15/2024 6:09:00 AM |
7 | | Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES | OCM BOCES-Henry CTE Campus | Chad | DeVoe | CDeVoe@ocmboces.org | |
7 | TST New Visions FFA | Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES | TST BOCES Cornell University | Maureen | Zorn | mzorn@tstboces.org | 9/15/2022 1:45:54 PM |
7 | TST Career & Tech FFA | Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES | TST BOCES Main Campus | Mattea | LeFever | mlefever@tstboces.org | 12/28/2018 3:45:02 PM |
7 | TST Career & Tech FFA | Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES | TST BOCES Main Campus | Dale | Kinney | dkinney@tstboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:02:22 AM |
7 | Oswego BOCES FFA | Oswego BOCES | Oswego BOCES- CiTi Main Campus | Carolyn | Deary-Petrocci | cdpetroc@CiTiboces.org | 12/31/2018 10:27:29 AM |
7 | Oswego BOCES FFA | Oswego BOCES | Oswego BOCES- CiTi Main Campus | Ralph | Gravelle | rgravelle@CiTiboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:01:59 AM |
7 | Oswego BOCES FFA | Oswego BOCES | Oswego BOCES- CiTi Main Campus | Morgan | Cooper | mcooper@citiboces.org | 10/14/2024 4:26:58 PM |
8 | Wayne Technical Center FFA | Ontario-Seneca-Yates-Cayuga-Wayne BOCES | WFL BOCES- Wayne Technical and Career Center | John | Erwin | jerwin@wflboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:01:51 AM |
8 | Wayne Technical Center FFA | Ontario-Seneca-Yates-Cayuga-Wayne BOCES | WFL BOCES- Wayne Technical and Career Center | Kelly | Paladino | KPaladino@wflboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:01:52 AM |
8 | FLTCC FFA | Ontario-Seneca-Yates-Cayuga-Wayne BOCES | WFL BOCES- Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center | Ginger | Dailey | Ginger.Dailey@wflboces.org | 11/4/2020 8:43:55 AM |
8 | FLTCC FFA | Ontario-Seneca-Yates-Cayuga-Wayne BOCES | WFL BOCES- Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center | Chantel | Hamlin | chantel.hamlin@wflboces.org | 9/7/2022 4:53:30 PM |
8 | WEMOCO | Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES | Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES- Career and Technical Education Center | Leah | Mould | lmould@monroe2boces.org | 9/8/2023 4:03:59 PM |
8 | Cooper Plains FFA | GST BOCES/ Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES | GST BOCES- Coopers Plains | Hannah | Bush | hbush@gstboces.org | 12/19/2024 5:54:54 AM |
8 | Wildwood FFA | GST BOCES/ Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES | GST BOCES- Wildwood Campus | Whitney | Gessel | wgessel@gstboces.org | 12/19/2024 6:16:28 AM |
8 | GST Bush FFA | GST BOCES/ Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES | GST BOCES- Bush Campus | Valerie | Heywood | vheywood@gstboces.org | 12/28/2018 3:50:39 PM |
8 | GST Bush FFA | GST BOCES/ Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES | GST BOCES- Bush Campus | Matthew | Bryant | mbryant@gstboces.org | 12/28/2018 3:50:42 PM |
8 | Wildwood FFA | GST BOCES/ Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES | GST BOCES- Wildwood Campus | Andrew | Dennis | adennis@gstboces.org | 2/13/2025 7:52:17 PM |
8 | GST Bush FFA | GST BOCES/ Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES | GST BOCES- Bush Campus | Valerie | Kimmerly | VKIMMERLY@GSTBOCES.ORG | 12/19/2024 5:58:57 AM |
8 | Watkins Glen FFA | Watkins Glen Central School District | Watkins Glen Central High School | Alexis | Bellavigna | abellavigna@wgcsd.org | 4/8/2024 9:04:15 PM |
8 | South Seneca FFA | South Seneca Central School District | South Seneca Middle/High School | Patty | Parsons | pparsons@southseneca.org | 10/5/2022 3:16:07 PM |
8 | Penn Yan FFA | Penn Yan Central School District | Penn Yan Academy | Carlie | Bossard | cbossard@pycsd.org | 7/14/2021 3:28:53 PM |
8 | Romulus FFA | Romulus Central School | Romulus Central School | Jamie | Thompson | jthompson@romuluscsd.org | 3/21/2024 8:37:35 PM |
8 | Prattsburg FFA | Prattsburgh Central School District | Prattsburgh Central School | Andrea | Elward | elwarda@prattsburghcsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:29:54 AM |
8 | Prattsburg FFA | Prattsburgh Central School District | Prattsburgh Central School | Larry | Switzer | switzerl@prattsburghcsd.org | 10/18/2024 6:45:15 AM |
8 | Midlakes FFA | Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District (Midlakes CSD) | Midlakes Middle/High School | Marina | Bartolotta-O'Brien | mbartolotta-obrien@midlakes.org | 10/3/2023 5:01:09 PM |
8 | Midlakes FFA | Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District (Midlakes CSD) | Midlakes Middle/High School | Jessica | Spence | jspence@midlakes.org | 10/3/2023 5:00:35 PM |
8 | Midlakes FFA | Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District (Midlakes CSD) | Midlakes Middle/High School | Ethan | Sleeman | esleeman@midlakes.org | 10/18/2024 6:32:50 AM |
8 | Jasper-Troupsburg FFA | Jasper-Troupsburg Central School District | Jasper-Troupsburg Jr/Sr High School | Geoff | Havens | Ghavens@jtcsd.org | 9/14/2022 11:22:28 AM |
8 | Avoca Central | Avoca Central School District | Avoca Central School | Emily | Bottoni | ebottoni@avocacsd.org | 1/17/2024 9:35:04 AM |
8 | Waterloo FFA | Waterloo Central School District | Waterloo High School | Robin | Allen | robin.allen@waterloocsd.org | 3/15/2022 4:42:35 PM |
8 | Marion FFA | Marion Central School District | Marion Junior-Senior High School | Lily-Anne | Lachnor | llachnor@marioncs.org | 9/30/2022 11:08:26 AM |
8 | Lyons FFA | Lyons Central School District | Lyons Senior High School | Brennan | Dailey | bdailey@lyonscsd.org | 1/13/2023 4:56:48 PM |
8 | Whitman FFA | Gorham-Middlesex Central School District (Marcus Whitman) | Marcus Whitman High School | Kristin | Hanggi | khanggi@mwcsd.org | 9/27/2023 3:17:58 PM |
8 | Whitman FFA | Gorham-Middlesex Central School District (Marcus Whitman) | Marcus Whitman High School | Mary | Coolbaugh | mcoolbaugh@mwcsd.org | 12/28/2018 3:47:11 PM |
9 | | Eden Central School District | Eden Jr/Sr High School | Steve | Jones | sjones@edencsd.org | 12/31/2018 10:39:37 AM |
9 | Elba | Elba Central School District | Elba Junior-Senior High School | Tracey | Dahlhaus | tdahlhaus@elbacsd.org | 12/11/2019 5:14:48 AM |
9 | Pioneer FFA | Yorkshire-Pioneer Central School District | Pioneer High School | Jon | Clayson | jclayson@pioneerschools.org | 12/20/2019 9:41:13 AM |
9 | Pioneer FFA | Yorkshire-Pioneer Central School District | Pioneer High School | Rachael | Clayson | rclayson@pioneerschools.org | 12/31/2018 10:39:48 AM |
9 | Pioneer FFA | Yorkshire-Pioneer Central School District | Pioneer High School | Justin | Baker | jubaker@pioneerschools.org | 9/1/2022 1:32:02 PM |
9 | Letchworth FFA | Letchworth Central School District | Letchworth Senior High School | Forrest | Hess | fhess@letchworth.k12.ny.us | 10/9/2020 1:33:58 PM |
9 | Letchworth FFA | Letchworth Central School District | Letchworth Senior High School | Kelly | Wilcox | KWilcox@letchworth.k12.ny.us | 7/14/2021 3:19:31 PM |
9 | Medina FFA | Medina Central School District | Medina High School | Jacquelyn | Jurek | jjurek@medinacsd.org | 2/9/2025 8:37:14 PM |
9 | Springville FFA | Springville-Griffith Institute Central School District | Griffith Institute High School | Tanya | Nickerson | tnickerson@springvillegi.org | 9/13/2019 10:35:06 AM |
9 | Albion FFA | Albion Central School District | Albion High School (Charles D'Amico) | Scott | Oldenburg | soldenburg@albionk12.org | 3/24/2023 3:55:20 PM |
9 | Attica FFA | Attica Central School District | Attica Senior High School | Alyssa | Wright | awright@atticacsd.org | 8/27/2024 7:12:01 AM |
9 | McKinley FFA | Buffalo City School District | PS 305 McKinley Vocational High School | Ronald J | Callea | rcallea@buffaloschools.org | 10/2/2018 6:04:00 AM |
9 | McKinley FFA | Buffalo City School District | PS 305 McKinley Vocational High School | Julie | Hughes | jhughes@buffaloschools.org | 9/30/2021 10:42:01 AM |
9 | McKinley FFA | Buffalo City School District | PS 305 McKinley Vocational High School | Shane | Hornquist | sphornquist@buffaloschools.org | 9/30/2021 10:42:55 AM |
9 | McKinley FFA | Buffalo City School District | PS 305 McKinley Vocational High School | Kelly | Baudo | Kbaudo@buffaloschools.org | 10/6/2021 3:53:24 PM |
9 | McKinley FFA | Buffalo City School District | PS 305 McKinley Vocational High School | Robert | Harris | rpharris@buffaloschools.org | 10/6/2021 3:57:02 PM |
9 | McKinley FFA | Buffalo City School District | PS 305 McKinley Vocational High School | Nick | Barbara | nsbarbara@buffaloschools.org | 2/13/2025 7:49:44 PM |
9 | Byron-Bergen FFA | Byron-Bergen Central School District | Byron-Bergen Jr/Sr High School | Jeffrey | Parnapy | jparnapy@bbschools.org | 7/14/2021 3:21:04 PM |
9 | Royalton-Hartland FFA | Royalton-Hartland Central School District | Royalton-Hartland Middle School | Madeline | Keyes | mkeyes@royhart.org | 9/8/2023 3:02:23 PM |
9 | Royalton-Hartland FFA | Royalton-Hartland Central School District | Royalton-Hartland High School | Matthew | Sweeney | msweeney@royhart.org | 12/28/2018 3:44:50 PM |
9 | Perry FFA | Perry Central School District | Perry Jr/Sr High School | Molly | Huttar | mhuttar@perrycsd.org | 9/8/2023 1:38:46 PM |
9 | Perry FFA | Perry Central School District | Perry Jr/Sr High School | Sean | Sporleder | ssporleder@perrycsd.org | 9/6/2024 5:52:22 AM |
9 | Pavilion Central FFA | Pavilion Central School District | Pavilion Junior-Senior High School | Kylie | DeBerardinis | KDeBerardinis@pavilioncsd.org | |
9 | Oakfield-Alabama-Elba FFA | Oakfield-Alabama Central School District | Oakfield-Alabama Middle/High School | Todd | Hofheins | thofheins@oahornets.org | 12/28/2018 3:41:19 PM |
9 | Oakfield-Alabama-Elba FFA | Oakfield-Alabama Central School District | Oakfield-Alabama Middle/High School | Julia | Uhrinek | juhrinek@oahornets.org | 10/18/2024 6:48:15 AM |
9 | Warsaw FFA | Warsaw Central School District | Warsaw Middle/High School | Bernadette | Harwood | bharwood@warsawcsd.org | 9/8/2023 2:27:07 PM |
9 | Charles G May FFA | Genesee Valley BOCES | Genesee Valley Educational Partnership- Mount Morris Campus | Casey | Arlig | carlig@gvboces.org | 11/13/2024 6:12:45 AM |
9 | Charles G May FFA | Genesee Valley BOCES | Genesee Valley Educational Partnership- Mount Morris Campus | Shannon | Drazkowski | sdrazkowski@gvboces.org | 2/9/2025 8:33:36 PM |
9 | Charles G May FFA | Genesee Valley BOCES | Genesee Valley Educational Partnership- Mount Morris Campus | Schuyler | Daugherty | sdaugherty@gvboces.org | 1/5/2023 9:33:29 AM |
9 | | Erie 1 BOCES | Harkness Career and Technical Center | Amy | Tuzzolino | ATuzzolino@e1b.org | 9/20/2021 11:57:20 AM |
9 | W D Ormsby FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | Ormsby Center | Philip | Verratti | pverratti@e2ccb.org | 10/2/2018 6:05:56 AM |
9 | Carrier Center FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES- Carrier Center | Laura | Valentic | lvalentic@e2ccb.org | 12/28/2018 3:44:23 PM |
9 | W D Ormsby FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | Ormsby Center | Scott | Farr | sfarr@e2ccb.org | 10/29/2024 2:08:16 PM |
9 | W D Ormsby FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | Ormsby Center | Denise | Skora | dskora@e2ccb.org | 10/2/2018 6:03:08 AM |
9 | W D Ormsby FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | Ormsby Center | Allison | Kirst | AKirst@e2ccb.org | 12/28/2018 3:50:22 PM |
9 | Hewes FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | E2CC BOCES- Hewes Center | Jeffrey | Angeletti | jangeletti@e2ccb.org | 10/12/2024 8:41:35 PM |
9 | Hewes FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | E2CC BOCES- Hewes Center | Seth | Shields | sshields@e2ccb.org | 10/2/2018 6:03:29 AM |
9 | LoGuidice FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | E2CC BOCES- LoGuidice Center | Taylor | Beaver | TBeaver@e2ccb.org | 10/12/2024 8:44:16 PM |
9 | LoGuidice FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | E2CC BOCES- LoGuidice Center | Holly | Lemke | hlemke@e2ccb.org | 12/19/2024 5:50:15 AM |
9 | Hewes FFA | Eries 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES | E2CC BOCES- Hewes Center | Christian | Hy | chy@e2ccb.org | 10/12/2024 8:49:43 PM |
9 | Orleans-Niagara BOCES | Orleans-Niagara BOCES | Orleans Career and Technical Education Center | Seth | Muck | smuck@onboces.org | 1/14/2025 6:22:20 AM |
9 | Orleans-Niagara BOCES | Orleans-Niagara BOCES | Orleans Career and Technical Education Center | Todd | Eick | TEick@onboces.org | 1/14/2025 6:18:51 AM |
9 | Orleans-Niagara BOCES | Orleans-Niagara BOCES | Orleans Career and Technical Education Center | Paige | Hungerford | phungerford@onboces.org | 1/14/2025 6:17:04 AM |
10 | Cuba-Rushford FFA | Cuba-Rushford Central School District | Cuba-Rushford High School | Carly | Santangelo | csantangelo@mycrcs.org | 4/8/2019 2:16:48 PM |
10 | Belmont CTE FFA | Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES | Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES- Belmont Center | Cassandra | Ploetz | cassandra_ploetz@caboces.org | 12/31/2018 10:26:10 AM |
10 | Olean BOCES FFA | Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES | Olean Center | Terry | Disarno | teresa_disarno@caboces.org | 9/14/2022 10:58:34 AM |
10 | Ellicottville BOCES FFA | Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES | Ellicottville Center | Kristina | Ellis | kristina_ellis@caboces.org | 12/28/2018 3:45:38 PM |
10 | Ellicottville BOCES FFA | Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES | Ellicottville Center | David | Swaciak | David_Swaciak@caboces.org | 10/2/2018 6:00:47 AM |
10 | Sherman FFA | Sherman Central School District | Sherman High School | Kelly | Maleski | KMaleski@sherman.wnyric.org | 12/28/2018 3:50:26 PM |
10 | Pine Valley FFA | Pine Valley Central School District | Pine Valley Jr./Sr. High School | Isaac D | Habermehl | ihabermehl@pval.org | 12/31/2018 10:28:01 AM |
10 | Randolph FFA | Randolph Central School District | Randolph Sr. High School | Arissa | Hitchcock | ahitchcock@randolphcsd.org | |
10 | Cattaraugus-Little Valley FFA | Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School | Cattaraugus-Little Valley High School | Katie | Mitrowski | kmitrowski@clvschools.org | 9/4/2019 1:54:56 PM |
10 | Genesee Valley CSD FFA | Genesee Valley Central School District | Genesee Valley Central School | Carolyn | Wright | cwright@genvalley.org | 1/13/2023 4:58:35 PM |
10 | Bolivar-Richburg FFA | Bolivar-Richburg Central School District | Bolivar-Richburg Junior-Senior High School | Jackie | Hyson | jhyson@bolivarrichburg.org | 5/14/2024 8:26:31 PM |
10 | Fillmore FFA | Fillmore Central School | Fillmore Central School | Sara | Haggerty | shaggerty@fillmorecsd.org | 9/14/2022 11:02:20 AM |
10 | Franklinville FFA | Franklinville Central School District | Franklinville Jr/Sr High School | Joey | Farrand | jfarrand@tbafcs.org | 4/20/2020 6:26:51 AM |
10 | Clymer FFA | Clymer Central School District | Clymer Central School | Robert | Slava | rslava@clymercsd.org | 1/20/2023 1:29:19 PM |
10 | Cassadaga Valley FFA | Cassadaga Valley Central School District | Cassadaga Valley Middle/High School | Lindsey | Crisanti Meeder | lcrisantimeeder@cvcougars.org | 1/19/2025 4:10:26 PM |